Updated: Wednesday January 22, 2025 at 09:00 AST
Halifax, Nova Scotia - Current Conditions
Mainly Sunny |
-15.4 °C |
Wind: NNW 20 km/h Humidity: 58 % Pressure: 102.8 kPa Tendency: rising Visibility: 24.1 km |
Sunrise: 07:44 Sunset: 17:09 Dew point: -21.9 °C Wind Chill: -25 Normals: Max -1°C Min -10°C |
Short-Term Forecast
Today: Max: -9°C Flurries ending this morning then a mix of sun and cloud. Wind north 20 km/h gusting to 40. High minus 9. Wind chill near minus 20. |
Tonight: Min: -14°C Partly cloudy. Wind north 20 km/h gusting to 40 becoming light near midnight. Low minus 14. Wind chill near minus 23. |
North America Weather RADAR
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7-Day Outlook |
Flurries Max: -9°C |
Chance of flurries Max: -3°C |
Chance of flurries Max: -5°C |
A mix of sun and cloud Max: -6°C |
A mix of sun and cloud Max: -2°C |
Chance of flurries Max: -1°C |
Chance of flurries Max: -1°C |
* Abnormal Temperature Trend
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